I've always wanted a chandelier in my home. They're so beautiful and make such a statement. They're also very expensive. I'm just not willing to pay the price for one so I was trying to find a way to make one. I looked out at my back porch and saw the red hanging baskets my friend gave to me last year. I had been using them as a bird feeder... It instantly hit me that I could make a chandelier out of it! I told Taylor in my usual fashion "OMG I HAVE AN IDEA!" he rolls his eyes every time I say that and sometimes the eye roll is followed by an "oh no..." I went online and purchased some craft crystals off of Amazon you can buy the strand of crystals here and the drop crystals here. I had to wait a while before they came in but once they did I got started! I had no plan on how to make this. I just decided to wing it. Here is how I made my shabby little chandelier...