So. Happy. I'm. Thirty... Shit. 30 trips around the sun. Kinda boggles my mind. Everyone always says your 30's are the best. Let's hope so cause so far my 20's have been full of all kinds of hard lessons. I know I have so much more learning and growing to do but somehow 30 just feels like a whole new life. It feels like I finally get a brand new start and I'm scared but very excited for it...
April Favorites!
My Thrifting List
Hello my friends! It's the weekend over here and we're getting ready to go on vacation which I'm SO excited about. My boys will be seeing the ocean for the first time and I cannot wait for it! If I could live at the beach I most definitely would. Maybe one day but for now I'm just over here blogging away about my house haha. I wanted to share a list with you of all the things I look for when I am going through the thrift stores...
Dining Room Bar
Happy Sunday, friends!! I hope yours is beautiful. We've just been taking it kinda slow this weekend. Going with the weather... Its been kinda gloomy so staying inside it is. Well, for me. My kids love to play in the rain but while they were doing that, I decided to switch some things up in my house...
My Parent's Kitchen Makeover Inspiration
EEEEEK This has been such a long time coming. I remember making an inspiration sheet for my parent's kitchen a long time ago because I've had dreams of making over this kitchen for YEARS!! My dad finally decided to pull the trigger and replace the countertops. Which turned into a whole makeover because, well, I'm his daughter...