WOW I can't believe how fast time is flying by... Last year on April 9th we found out our lives were going to change forever. My husband and I had just gotten back from our anniversary cruise and my parents were visiting us in California.
My parents left to go back to Missouri that afternoon and I was feeling strange. I never had allergies or ANY problems in California and I SNEEZED! Yes I said it. SNEEZED! As ridiculous as this sounds I knew I was pregnant... Dun dun dun..... A little sneeze gave it away. I bet not many can say that. Anyway, when my parents left for the airport, I jumped in my little Ford Focus and zoomed down to Wal-Mart yelling at every car that got in my way (I apologize to any drivers out that day). I purchased a test and took it the second I got home and let me tell you, those were the longest three minutes of my LIFE! I creeped back into the bathroom to see what the results were and immediately fell to the ground crying. No they weren't sad tears, they were happy tears! I had never been so happy to see a little stick with two lines on it before. Well lets be real I've never really seen a stick with two lines on it before... BACK TO THE STORY SAVANNA! My husband was at work and wasn't due home until about 3pm. Well at this time it was around 1pm and I was so impatient! I text him asking when he would be home and he knew something was up. I never ask that and he can read me like a book... Even through text messages. I sat for three hours waiting... and waiting. It was torture. When he got home I couldn't stop smiling but I didn't want to give it away. I wanted to be like all of those awesome Pinterest girls who tell their husbands in those cool ways like with the coffee cup or pasta sauce... Haha but I didn't have time for all of that so I put the test in a box and wrapped it like a Christmas present.. After I talked to him for a while trying to pretend like it was a normal day I went and got the box out of the kitchen and handed it to him. He of course thought I got him some kind of really cool gift. Honestly I'm the WORST gift giver.... But he opened it and picked me up and twirled me around and said "lets go to the hospital!" So we went and they confirmed I was indeed pregnant! He took me to McDonalds and we had a romantic meal together of French fries and ice cream sundaes with extra fudge. It was magical..... We never dreamed such a little guy could make us so happy. He has changed our lives forever and we will always be so grateful for the gift god has given us.
Heres our announcement...
Here I am at 39 weeks.
And here he is... Our beautiful bundle of joy!!!!
Have a blessed day!!!
-xo Savanna