Funny story time.... Friday afternoon I came home from work early because of the weather. My husband (poor guy) was off of work that day. At work I started thinking how we could make more room in our house. I was going to go through my whole house (and I still will and have already started) this winter to get rid of things to make room. I have way too much stuff. I really wanted another bedroom in our house. Currently I am using our smallest bedroom as my closet/extra storage. This old farmhouse has 3 very small closets in it. I came from a house on base in California that had 7 closets. A girl and 7 closets... Well I don't really need to explain more. You accumulate a lot of stuff. I wanted more room because if we decide to expand our family someday, we will definitely need more room. I also wanted an office for my design business. I was pondering at work and thought "I'll just move rooms around!" I ran the idea across to my husband and surprisingly he didn't freak out. I did start by saying "I have an idea and I need you to be very optimistic, don't shoot me down" so maybe that helped... We started by moving the dining room table into the kitchen. That totally opened up the dining room and we moved the couches into here, in the freezing rain... In the dark... Down icy stairs. It wasn't ideal...
We finally got it all moved. After that, we moved everything in our bedroom into our old living room. It's huge and I'm so excited to design it. We have a fireplace in our bedroom! Something I've always dreamed of. Its funny because it feels like we have a totally different and bigger house and all we did was move the furniture. I can now keep my huge closet and we have an extra room to play around with.
Now that our living room is in here, we lost our fireplace. But that's ok because our old DIY kitchen island does the job just fine!!! Between you and me, my Tupperware is still in it. Small houses= no storage. Did I mention that?
I'm not gonna lie, I am so excited that we did this. Another reason why I wanted this was because the way our house was set up, the living room was around the corner and through the laundry room from the kitchen. I'm a woman, wife and mother so most of my time is spent in the kitchen when I'm home. My husband and my son were always in the living room and I always felt so separated from them. I couldn't see them, could barely hear them. It didn't give us much family time. Now that the living room is right off of the kitchen, I can spend all my time with them when I'm home and I couldn't be happier. And bonus- our laundry room is now right by our bedroom!
I really hope you enjoyed this update! I'm thrilled about it and cant wait to get started on our bedroom. There's so many possibilities in there now because it's so big and spacious. I hope everyone has a wonderful week and merry Christmas from the Naves!!
As always, thank you for stopping by to see what I'm up to!
xo- Savanna
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