}); SavannaBrooke.com: Spooky Entry Table


Spooky Entry Table


Its friday and its homecoming here in my little town. We're about to have our parade but I wanted to get these pics out to share my spooky entryway with you...

Really the only thing "spooky about it is the dying plant but I found some cute stuff at Michaels recently and decided to put it together on my entry console table. 

It's just fun and cute for the season! I grabbed the lamp covers at Michaels along with the Spiders. I had the rest from previous years but I thought the lamp covers were super cute! You just wrap them around your lamp shade and tie them together. I love how they look at night with the lights on!

I wrote all about this cute console table HERE if you wanna see more. It's still one of my favorite furniture pieces! I am thinking about changing out the handles though? We'll see. 

I hope you enjoyed this tiny corner of my house and got some inspo for your halloween decor! See ya next week!! 

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xx Savanna