So in celebration of our wonderful little blessings first year of life, we got all of our friends and family together for a little party. He opened a bunch of presents and played with his smash cake. It was so fun and so nice having everyone together in our home for this special day!
Thank you everyone who came out and enjoy the pictures!

I was out shopping one day for birthday stuff and this huge bear caught my eye. I showed him to B and he hugged and kissed the bear, so naturally I had to get it! He made sure everyone signed the "guest book" which was a story book in the woodland theme of his party. My cousin, Shannon gave me that idea and I love it because he can always keep it and I can remember the theme and who all came. My friends had the same idea at my baby shower, instead of bringing cards, everyone brought a story book and signed it for Bjorn. So hopefully we will keep with the tradition. I also want to get him a Christmas themed book every year. Pretty soon I'm going to have a library!

We just had a few snacks and finger foods. The "tree stumps" aren't pictured because my mother-in-law made them and she hadn't arrived before I took this picture, but they were actually pinwheels (deli meat, cheese, mayo, etc. wrapped in a tortilla and cut into pieces) and I thought they looked like tree stumps which went along with the theme! We also had cookies and trail mix and of course cake and ice cream!
I added some sticks and stumps from outside and found the center piece (tree) at target in the dollar section. The woodland animal ornaments also came from target in the Christmas section along with all the plaid decorations.

I stuck the tags in some pinecones that I had.
There are the tree stumps!!

We served apple juice and sweet tea.

Every month I take a picture of Bjorn and write 7-10 milestones he's hit, words he says, favorite toys, silly things he does, etc. So I just printed them off in black and white and hung them to a piece of twine. Its so fun to look back and see how little he was and how much he's changed. I need to get a frame for all of them but I cant find one big enough! We may need to make one...

I made a quick little banner for his name using some flags found at target, ribbon and twine and a metal plaque and letter "B" found at Michaels. I just tied it all together and hung it on my old door over his high chair.

I did the same thing with the high chair banner. Just took some ribbon and twine and hung little flags from the dollar section at target and found a number one at Michaels to glue to the middle flag. Super easy and fun to do for a first birthday! I've seen people selling things like this for over $30, mine cost less than $10 to make and didn't take very long!

And here's our little bear digging into his cake. He loved it! I only wish I would have had his bath ready to go before he started throwing cake at the walls... I'll remember for next time! :)

Enjoy this beautiful Friday afternoon... I want to quickly apologize for the lack of blog posts lately. Life gets away from me sometimes and I have so many things to keep up with these days but I'm going to hopefully get on a better schedule and post more frequently!
Thanks for still following along!
-xo Savanna