The chair (conveniently enough) reminded me of an old library. I picture an office with tall book shelves all the way to the ceiling and a ladder on wheels behind it. This book wall was not brought on by the old library looking chair though, I'll explain how that came about a little later. I brought in the picnic table my dad made when he was younger and painted the top white. I still need to paint the legs but just like with my book wall, I get distracted and move on to other things. I painted the top a stark white so that when I'm picking paint colors and samples for the houses I design, I can really see the color's and undertones.
As you know from this post HERE, I wanted to do some sort of wall treatment on this wall. I was originally thinking wallpaper but I got to looking and it's so expensive. I just don't want to spend that kind of money. I started thinking and I saw a stack of books I got at the thrift store for a dollar a piece and decided to stick some pages on the wall. I was originally going to do some sort of abstract placement of the pages and not do the whole wall, I got to sticking them up and didn't stop the first day until I got half way down the wall, hours later.... I waited a couple days and finally moved onto another room. I get bored easily... I gave myself a deadline of THIS WEEK to get this post up so that got my booty in gear and I finished the wall. I was going to do a separate post with a tutorial but seriously all I did was tape book pages onto the wall.... It's that simple. Funny thing though, I got to reading a couple of the book pages and we'll just say they're not the most conservative books... just my luck but it's kind of funny to read them.
I made sure to layer by sometimes turning the pages sideways and I used a light colored page book and a darker one to give it more texture and dimension. I just taped the top of each one and layered over so the tape wouldn't show. At the top and corners of the walls, I folded the tape over on the back of the page to make it double sided so the tape wouldn't be seen. Double sided tape would have been fabulous for this project but I didn't have it. In fact, I ran out of regular tape towards the end, so I used blue painters tape.... Impatient much????
These faux tulips are FABULOUS! They look so real... You can find them HERE. I'm definitely going to order more and I got the basket they're in at Target. I got the tray and business card holder also at Target and the pencil cup at Kirklands. The globe is from TjMaxx and everything else was thrifted or found.
I couldn't leave the wall blank, although it would be fine on its own, but I had these two head boards so I stuck them on the wall and gave them a little gold brush with my handy dandy Rub-N-Buff. I used the color Gold Leaf. You can find it HERE. I knew I wanted a new light in here. There was a broken fan up before. No good. I searched and searched for the perfect light and couldn't find one. I found this lamp shade at Target in store and decided I would make one. I loved the gold studs on it. I used THIS pendant lamp kit to turn it into a pendant light. I love it! So simple and elegant and doesn't take away from my book page wall.
My dear, sweet husband hung these shelves for me to store my extra decor on. This is stuff I like to phase in and out throughout the seasons. I wanted to put it on display because I still love it all. this also houses some frames I need to either paint or replace. I love them and now I can see what I have and "shop my house" easier when I get bored with a space and we all know that happens alllllll too often.
I still need to figure out my storage situation for the rest of my stuff such as extra curtains and textiles, tile samples, etc. I'm thinking two matching dressers on either side of the desk.... We'll see. I'm so happy with how it turned out and working in here is such a treat. This room has french doors and is visible right when you walk in our front door when you look to the right so I needed it to be beautiful and dramatic cause that's what I love... I think this book page wall did the trick.
I hope you all enjoyed this look into the office and what it looks like now. I still have some work to do but I'm loving the progress. Have a fabulous rest of the week my friends and as always, thank you so much for stopping by to see what I'm up to in this little old farmhouse of mine.