OOOOH man. This is a hard post for me to write because I feel so vulnerable right now! I haven't told many people about this experience but it seriously was such an amazing moment in my life and I think all my favorite people should hear about it! This one time.... a TV production company reached out to me about a potential HGTV show...
HAHAHA! I seriously can't believe I just typed that. It's so funny to me because I am absolutely NOTHING special and I never dreamed I would EVER IN MY LIFE have someone think that I should be on TV. I don't ever WANT to be on TV. I'm so awkward and Taylor and I fight every time we do a project (there is absolutely ZERO Chip and Joanna Gains DIY projects going on over here) I don't think my house has ANY business being on TV. It just is never something I ever thought about before. BUT.... It happened and I am here to tell you the story.
In March of last year, I had a woman email me saying she was from a production company in Los Angeles and she said she was looking for new talent for a new TV show about renovations and such. At first I just ignored the email because I get a lot of spammy stuff like that but I read it again and this one looked legit. I looked into the production company online and googled the womans name and it turns out, they're a real company. One of their popular shows is Texas Flip and Move on the DIY network. She said she found my blog and liked what she saw and was interested in learning more about me and what I do... I WAS BLOWN AWAY!
I had NO interest in having a TV show but I was curious about what the experience would be like to talk to someone like this and how they do it! I emailed her back and told her that I would love to talk to her and we set up a skype call. It was the scariest moment in my life. I was LITERALLY shaking all day. That day, Rowen was a week old and we had his one week check up a the doctor that morning so I didn't get good time to prepare. I couldn't hardly sleep or do mom things. I was just so dang nervous. I don't do well on camera, if you watch my facebook lives you know that hahaha but that afternoon, she called me on skype. It was interesting because she told me to look into the camera as I was speaking and to look at her while she was speaking. That was kinda hard to remember to do but I did ok. I managed to keep it together and seem somewhat professional but because I live out in the middle of absolute no where, the internet kept going out! We could barely understand each other because it kept skipping and freezing. It was so funny because that's just what happens to me lol weird stuff at VERY important times! She asked me all sorts of different questions about my style of decorating, what I do, about my family, etc. I can't remember the questions because it's all such a blur. We finished the call and I feel like it wen't well (as well as it could with technical difficulties) She said they do an initial skype call just me and her, then she shows it to her team and if they think there is something there, they will do a skype call with all of them. After that if they want you to move onto the next phase I think they do another interview, then they will come out and basically follow you around for a while filming. They do this over and over and make kind of a mini show to present to HGTV. If they like it then you work with the network to see if there is really something there and if so, then you're in! She said it could take up to two years to do! THATS INSANE. These shows we watch all the time had to go through all of that in order to get on TV. There's so many different phases and levels you have to go through to get on to TV.
I'm sure you're wondering how far I got... Not far LOL She said after the interview that her team was looking for someone who flips houses and renovates and I'm not there, YET. I'm sure that was probably a nice way of saying this chick is awkward and NO THANK YOU haha but I'm so glad I had the experience and I am SO flattered that anyone would think my little house could be on TV. I had no clue that this would ever happen. I still think its so funny but it was definitely a huge compliment because this blog is what I absolutely love to do and to have someone compliment me in that way was life changing really.
I hope you enjoyed and learned a little something. I will never have a TV show and I don't want one! I couldn't imagine that life. I'm cool with my simple life over here ;) It's crazy what goes on behind the scenes of these shows we all watch. Anyways, have a fantastic rest of your week, friends! Thanks for always supporting me and this little blog. We love you.
Let's be friends!!