Hello! Happy Friday!! What a busy couple weeks its been over here... Everyone's birthday falls around the same time and I'm just over here trying my best to keep up. But today I wanted to share a peek into The Loft! What is The Loft you ask? Well... I'll tell ya...
For those who don't know, I started a business...er... 2 businesses in 2022. I bought this building in Downtown Excelsior Springs Missouri and put a home decor boutique in one spot downstairs and put an event space in the other spot downstairs and upstairs was already a functioning vacation rental that I took over called The Loft. I now own all 3! You can read more of the story HERE. The Loft came fully furnished and they completely rehabbed the building in 2020. They did an incredible job and I pinch myself everyday trying to understand how I got such an amazing opportunity. The Loft is BEAUTIFUL but Savanna has a style of her own and I've been slowly adding things up there to make it more "Sav". I have lots of plans but the place is HUGE so I'm taking it slow. For now, I started with the entry way. Here's how it looked before:
It was empty before and I added these two thrifted pictures I just had on hand for the time being. But yesterday I went to town making it more functional and adding some flair! Here it is now:
Here's how my brain executed this...
I first started by finding this magazine holder in the back and tried to figure out what to do with it. I thought "some trip planners would go good in here... I'll grab the ones from the loft and put them in here... ooh the entry is lacking in the character department... I'mma hang it up here!" So I did. Then I went and grabbed this skinny table I've moved around for about 15 years now.. I wanted a spot for people to drop keys etc and a place for them to get information about the town and about my business so I put some business cards and a qr code leading to the downtown website. Stuck it in a frame and after I put that up I realized I needed some height in the corner so I went to my event space and added this large flower vase. I then grabbed these hooks and hung them up for jackets etc to kind of even out the other side. I decided I wanted something small above the magazine holder so I got online and found old post cards of downtown and found one of my building! So cool. So I got it and popped it into a frame I already had. THEN.... you guessed it, I'm not done yet... I saw this lamp in my boutique. I LOVE THESE LAMPS SO MUCH but this one was displayed by the front window for a long time. It faded over time and was no longer something I wanted to sell... It still looks good it's just clearly faded when it's hanging up next to the other ones. They are hardwired lights and in true Savanna Fashion I decided I wanted to rig it up to fit over this already existing light. I've done this several times with Lamp shades in my own home (you can see those HERE) so I grabbed some wire cutters and cut the wires out. EEK. It's ok I promise!! I then added some hooks around the light that was already up there and stuck the shade up. It's not a professional job by any means but LOOK how cute!!!!
It added the perfect touch of color and whimsey i've been craving in here.
One thing just lead to another in here and I really wasn't planning on doing this at all this week but here we are. That's how my brain works... I think it's cute and functional and fun for such a small space.
Like I said, I have lots of plans for up there. I will share those with you soon but it will take some time before I'm able to bring them to life. This little project was just something I was able to do for "free" because it was all stuff I already had. I love shopping things I already own to transform spaces and I love how this one turned out!!! I hope you have a wonderful weekend and if you're ever in Downtown Excelsior Springs, definitely check out The Loft for your stay!!