}); SavannaBrooke.com: Bjorn's Room : Part One


Bjorn's Room : Part One


I almost have B's room complete!!! I still have to add a few things but for the most part its done.

Theres not much to say on this post because I wrote where I got everything and how I made some things here , but I did add some new things... Like this driftwood we got in California. I just hung it up with some nails. The collage was starting to look boring to me :)

The little shelf in the corner was a $5 garage sale find. I just painted it white (surprise!)

Heres B enjoying what will be his bed one day!
I got the bedding at Ross. I love that store! I hadn't added pillows yet (they were in the wash) Oops!!

This "you are my sunshine" sign used to be our headboard when we lived in California. I just removed the first two boards because I used yellow paint to write some of the words and that didn't really go with these colors. I hung them up and his dresser will go underneath.

This song was sung to me when I was young and this is now Bjorns favorite song. Once you start singing it he instantly calms down.

We got this bedframe for $10 at an estate sale!! Its all rusty and old... I love it! And it was the perfect size for this bed.

So that's it! Not much to say!

I haven't gotten around to posting because we don't have internet yet so I have to go to my parents house to write!!! I must admit its been nice being away from the world with no internet....

Have a great day!!!
-xo Savanna