I'm usually a bit of a Scrooge and take my Christmas decor down fairly early. One time I took my tree down ON CHRISTMAS! Very Grinch like. I know. But this year feels different and I'm loving having he cozy glow in my home this year. I also feel like I took a different direction this year in my decor so maybe that's why I'm enjoying it so much more than usual.
I made these little swags for my bar stools. I just used some black ribbon all the way to the floor, hooked on a flower I already had and added a $1 sprig from Walmart for some greenery. The swags on my dining room chairs I already had. They're just sprigs from Michaels and I just hooked them on to some of the same black ribbon and tied it onto the chair.
I added in some faux candles on my shelves for some glow, lots of real candles, and all the sparkly things. Just like my living room, HERE, I went with gold, black, and burgundy for my decor.
I added a little Christmas in every corner in here and I'm loving how it looks. Not ready for it to go away yet! (Can't believe I just said that). Have a beautiful holiday, my friends!!! Thanks for stopping by!