I had been thinking that I wanted to switch around my bedroom for a while now because honestly, I really wasn't comfortable being so close to the window. Not only at night but also it was super annoying opening and closing the curtains everyday. They would get stuck and weren't easy to reach, etc... I thought I wanted to change it around but I just hadn't gotten around to it. One day when I had 56467 other things to do, I decided I would switch it around real quick and holy moly I'm so so SO glad I did. It completely changed the room! It looks so much bigger and flows WAYYYY better than before.
Pretty much everything in here has changed (position wise) and I just shopped my house for new decor to fill in the blank spaces! I had those candlesticks on my dresser so I switched them out and the mirror over the bed was hanging in my living room.
I loved how all these neutral tones came together in here. Now it seems much more calm and serene.
After I switched it around, I had a friend message me and tell me it was better feng shui this way! She said that the foot of your bed is not supposed to face your door. It should face the wall to keep the good energy in the room. I loved that! I looked it up and it's totally true! There's lots of other reasons but that one stuck out to me and it really does feel so much better in here.
I love sitting in the corner and drinking my coffee in the mornings. It's definitely my favorite room in the house.. for now! LOL
Here's a little before and after for you...

Like I said, I didn't buy anything new for this room. I just moved some things around and it made a completely NEW room for me to sleep in! Its crazy what some re arranging can do! I love it so much more now. I also added a box spring under my mattress to make my bed taller but I didn't realize the one I had is a full and my mattress is a queen... Oh well. Haha! It does the job! I hope you enjoyed and got some inspiration for your own home! Have a fantastic rest of the week, friends!
Love you,
Let's be friends!!