Happy Friday my friends!! I don't know about you, but this weather has me all kinds of excited for doing projects around our farmhouse this summer. We are lacking in curb appeal around here and we need to fix that. We have some ideas of things we want to do outside and some are major, but for now I'm trying to keep the list pretty short. I want to do a few little things to make it look like we did a lot. Let's go take a look at some inspiration pictures I found this week...
Those houses are just so pretty to me. Simple country living. I love it. I've always had trouble decorating outside. Probably because I never want to leave anything outside for long because the weather changes here in Missouri so much. And when we lived in California, we really didn't have much outdoor space. I've come to realize we need to not just decorate outside, but spruce up the permanent features outside so it looks pretty even without any decor. I know, common sense. But I thought adding decorations would distract from the dinginess.... Didn't work. Here's what our house looked like just a couple months ago.
It could definitely use some love...
We plan on doing lots of projects outside this spring and summer to boost our curb appeal a bit. We didn't do much last year to make it pretty so I really want to get on it this year. First we will start by power washing everything, next are some of the inspiration pictures I found for things I want to do outside.
I want to remove the large bushes in front of our two windows and add smaller plants and window boxes. This alone will make a huge difference not only outside but inside as well because these two bushes take so much light away from inside.
I also want to stain our shutters. We took down the light blue plastic ones when we bought the house and my husband built some wood ones. I love them but they've faded because we just put up the raw wood and said we would come back and stain and seal them but we never did (of course).
Next, I want to paint our front door again. I painted it black a while back but it's just not popping anymore. I want something more fun. Also we live on a gravel road so 99% of the time it looks dusty and just bad. I would love to get a new front door but that'll have to come later. I painted the inside a dusty dark blue and I'm thinking I want to do the same outside.
Although this light blue door is catching my eye...
Something else I'm wanting to do is update our walk way from our drive way to our front porch. The sidewalk that's there is all cracked and sunken down. It needs replaced but again, that's a large expense we don't need to make right now so we have the plan to do something ourselves with some pretty rocks.
So there you have it, friends! It was a short post compared to the usual but I hope you enjoyed our plans for outside this spring and summer. I can't wait to get started. I also want to do something on our back deck but that can wait... Right now it holds a lot of my sons big toys and serves as an extra "play room"... Eventually it will be beautiful. I hope you have a wonderful weekend and do something you love!! Thanks as always for stopping by to see what I'm up to over here! <3
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